May 2023 Mastermind Weekend

Theme: Know Your Market & Marketing

Adelaide -> 4th to 6th May 2023

On behalf of the team at Pravar Group, I'd like to welcome you to the up and coming Mastermind Weekend at InterContinental in Adelaide

Below is the agenda for the weekend.

If you can make the social drinks on Wednesday afternoon, it would be great to see you there before we kick off with the formalities on Thursday morning.

We will be finished by 3pm on Saturday.  Please don't leave early.

We can't wait to see you all for another great Mastermind Weekend.

Rob & the Coaching Team

InterContinental Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000

Theme: Know Your Market & Marketing

They say a rising tide lifts all boats.  For some years now, the trades and construction industry has been in a buoyant market where demand has outstripped supply.  Most business owners are too busy trying to keep on top of quotes or work orders flying across their desk let alone thinking about being proactive in trying to generate new business.

Regardless of whether the market is buoyant or contracting, every business should intimately Know their Market and have foundational Marketing strategies in place to Be The Authority in their market and generate a consistent flow of leads and sales so the owner can build a Sustainable and Scalable Business.

Know Your Market isn't 'Marketing'.  It is your ability to understand the 3 C’s: Core Competencies, Customer, & Competitors.  The 3 Cs of Knowing Your Market, isn’t a strategy or tactic… It is a Deep Understanding.  Then utilising this understanding to develop the right Marketing strategies to profitably serve ever greater numbers of people.  When building a business that Makes Profit, EVERYTHING hinges off your ability to… Know Your Market.  It’s your True North.

Marketing then makes the customers aware of your products or services, engages them, and helps them make the buying decision.  Marketing is more than just generating leads and boosting sales, it also enables the business to; build a long-lasting relationship with its customers, stay relevant and most importantly position itself as an authority in the marketplace, not only for future customers but also future employees.

When you Know Your Market, Market effectively, and make strategic business decisions that are relentlessly consistent with it, you will create such momentum that your main problem will not be how to grow, but how not to grow too fast.  The time to invest is now, when business is strong.

Wednesday 3rd May, 2023

Social Drinks

Meet and greet drinks is an opportunity to have a social catch up before we kick off the formalities of the weekend.  Note that this is not compulsory.  Drinks are at your own expense.

Location: Malt Shovel Taphouse

Start time: From 5pm onwards (free night after)

Thursday 4th May, 2023

Client Conference - Mastermind & Key Note Speaker

The Power of this Mastermind is a group of businessmen, with a common Vision, who come together to challenge each other to step up and play a bigger game, through CelebrationCollaboration & Community.  We have 2 main sessions on the first day; mastermind (Wins & Challenges), and a key note speaker on Values.

Mastermind Sessions:

The intention of the first half of Thursday is to celebrate your successes from Q1, 2023 and then support / challenge each other to solve your greatest problem holding you back (either personal or business) through input and advice from each other.  

Please make sure you come prepared for the Wins & Successes Session.  For some of you, you will have some great business wins, others will have some great personal wins, others will have both. Remember, they are your wins, so be proud of what you have achieved and who you have become in the process.

Values Masterclass: Sam Norton

To live a fulfilling and inspired life, it is essential to have clarity on who you are, what you truely want, the beliefs & values that support that, or work against it, and what actions you must take that are in alignment with the goals and vision that you set for yourself.  Until you go on this personal journey to uncover what is really important to you a completely inspired, fulfilling life will elude you.

To help you create greater insight on your journey, we will be having a powerful 2 part session facilitated by Sam Norton on how to live a Values fueled life.  As a professional athlete, one of Dr John Demartini's top facilitators in Australia and an exception Mindset Coach, he will take you through Values principles, the Demartini Value Determination Process and discuss how linking of values plays a role in removing conflict in the mind, conflict between business and family life and as a result enable you to live an inspired and fulfilling life.

Start time: 8.00am for a 8.15am start. Finished by: 5.00pm

Conference Room: InterContinental Adelaide

Attire for the day: Smart Casual

What to bring: Your laptop and a notebook

Morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea are provided for the day.

Thursday night is free time.  As a group, it is an opportunity for everyone to grab a drink and a feed together and continue the conversations and masterminding.

Friday 5th May, 2023

Client Conference - Training & FunDay

It’s common for trades and construction businesses to underestimate the power of building a brand, not just a business, plus the importance of content marketing and a strategic marketing plan to drive leads and sales.

Guest Speaker: Glen Campbell | BrandHeart

On the Friday morning we will be hearing from our 1st guest speaker, Glen Campbell from BrandHeart.  With degrees in Commerce, Psychology, NLP and Hypnotherapy, and almost 3 decades at the helm of some of the world’s best and brightest brand strategy companies like Clemenger BBDO, Saatchi & Saatchi, Leo Burnett, Love Communications, IdeaWorks, and Brandheart, Glen Campbell is a brand guru.

Glen will be splitting up his training in 2 parts.  Part 1 will be teaching the theory behind what is a brand, and how the brand identity becomes the pulse of the business.

Glen was the Mastermind behind the Pravar Group Brand and has also done some great work with a couple of clients within the Mastermind.  Two of them being Simon Parker from Parker Precision and Nathan Wilson from Rescue U Plumbing.  

Instead of a client feature session, we will be having a client spotlight session (Part 2), where Glen will be doing a Q&A session with both Simon and Nathan and take the theory that Glen taught in Part 1 and deep dive into how Simon and Nathan have been able to create their brand identity and make this a part of their marketing & communications strategy and culture within their business.

Start time: 8.15am for a 8.30am start.  Finished by: 1.30pm

Conference Room: InterContinental Adelaide

Attire for the day: Loud Shirt Casual (appropriate clothing for FunDay Activity)

What to bring: Your laptop and a notebook

Morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea are provided.

Loud Shirt Day

Loud Shirt day is an initiative that was born from within members of the Mastermind to make a stance against the stigma around mental health issues.  We are making it clear that as a man it isn’t weak to speak up about the things that are going on in our lives.  

We know that 'Together we are Stronger', that you need good people around you who are going to be there, not only when you're winning, but when the chips are down.  That's what makes this family so powerful.

I wonder who is going to get the Chump Jacket?

FunDay Activity

FunDay is all about building the bonds and friendships amongst the members of the Mastermind. 

Activity: The Great Race (Team Building / Challenge)

Please congregate in the foyer by 1.45pm

Start: 2pm | Finish: by 5pm

What to bring: Hat, sunglasses and closed in shoes (Joggers / Runners)

Social Drinks and Dinner

After the day together, freshen up, then off to dinner we go for a night of fun, laughter and celebration.  

Dinner is on us as our way of saying congratulations on what you have achieved in Q1, 2023.  

Please bring $50 for drinkers and $20 for non-drinkers as a bar tab

and mark your name off the list once you have put your cash in the jar.

Location: Strathmore Hotel (Verandah Dining Alfresco)

Start time: 7.00pm - 10pm

Dinner attireSmart casual (No shorts or thongs)

Saturday 6th May, 2023

Client Conference - Training Day

It’s common for trades and construction businesses to underplay the importance of marketing.  However, it’s arguably the case that every business needs marketing strategies in place in order to generate leads to succeed. After all, how will you sell your services if nobody knows about them?

This misunderstanding of the importance of marketing most likely stems from the confusion around; how do I market my Trades business, what are the marketing strategies that are proven to work, where do I begin.  

Today's training sessions are designed to answer some of these questions, and arm you with the the information you need to intimately Know Your Market and identify what foundational Marketing strategies need to be in place to become The Authority in your market and generate a consistent flow of leads and sales so the you can build a Sustainable and Scalable Business.

Guest Speaker: Danny Hersee | Black Lion Digital

In the morning session we will be hearing from our 2nd Guest Speaker, Danny Hersee from Black Lion Digital.  Black Lion Digital is a digital marketing agency that focuses on the acquisition of new quality leads and clients for businesses looking for solid, reliable growth.  With a trade background, Danny understands the nuances of marketing a trades / construction business and you will often see him being a speaker at Master Builders events, sharing his experience, strategies and insights on what it takes to successfully market a trades / construction business.

Training Session: Rob Kropp | Pravar Group

In the middle session, Rob Kropp will be running a session on Know Your Market Principles.  When building a business that Makes Profit, EVERYTHING hinges off your ability to… Know Your Market.  The Every decision you make and the business you build (strategies such as; marketing, sales, people, teams, structure, systems , technology etc) all hinge off your Businesses Identity and the Niche that you specialise in.  When you Know Your Market, and make decisions that are relentlessly consistent with it, you will create such momentum that your main problem will not be how to grow, but how not to grow too fast.

Practical Exercise: Dan Stones | Pravar Group

We will finish in the afternoon session with a practical exercise run by Dan Stones, that will help you create your Customer Value Proposition (CVP) Statement.  This exercise will enable you to identify your point of differentiation (in the market you serve), how this benefits your customer and have the stories, examples and case studies at your fingertips to support your Value Proposition.

Start time: 8.15am for a 8.30am start.  Finished by: 3.00pm

Conference Room: InterContinental Adelaide

Attire for the day: Smart Casual

What to bring: Your laptop and a notebook

Morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea are provided.

Transforming Businesses  |  Reconnecting Families