Transforming Businesses

The Pravar team of expert coaches activates trades business owners to break free from being trapped working crazy hours, and coexisting with their families to getting clarity, freedom and family reconnection.

Reconnecting Families

The Journey to a Fulfilling Life, and Freedom!

Pravar have consistently achieved transformational results for their clients regardless of industry or economic conditions.

Client Success Stories

Well over 200 business owners, who created their own businesses in Australia, will testify to experiencing multiple increases in revenue and profit while working significantly less hours, with less complexity and stress, and greater fulfilment and happiness in their business and personal life.

And while the coaching team, led by founder Rob Kropp, are seasoned experts they also ensure success through the application of a unique and proven  5 Phase Transformation Journey.

Each phase is driven by a comprehensive system that delivers exceptional results in every area of their client’s business. Unrivalled systems you won't find anywhere else.

Under the close guidance and support of the Pravar Coaches, business owners that fully embrace this proven approach very quickly shift from being Doers, to Managers, Managers to Leaders, to then Masters their own destiny.

Most are surprised at how quickly the Pravar team help them get high multiple returns on their growth and freedom investment.

Something very few trades business owners know how to do without expert guidance and robust systems and processes.

Learn More About The Vision, The Challenge and Our Unique Solution

Expert Team

Pravar Group boast a team of expert Coaches who are leading authorities in helping Trades, Construction and Service Based business owners to release the constraints and restructure in a way that quickly unlocks growth and profits enabling time, freedom and most importantly reconnection with their family.



Founder & CEO

Rob has experienced the confusion and stress that comes with having lived in a family that coexisted, because his Father was working his heart out for them, while at the same time losing them in the process.





Gav specialises in strategic planning and leadership which is supported by a strong financial background. His passion and track record for business turnarounds is outstanding.



Coach &   

Operations Manager

Dan has been entrenched as a business owner, general manager and coach for over two decades, working with high performing teams and business owners achieve their most ambitious business, personal and lifestyle goals.





From a young age, Steve had a fascination with business and in particular the commercial side of business. Even before he studied Business Management at University in the UK, he was buying and selling cars for profit.





Andrew has been in the Construction industry for almost 20 years.  He has not only coached and consulted to successful businesses in the industry, but has built his own successful construction company.





Steve has held numerous leadership roles in General Management, Sales and Operations, that span construction, manufacturing and retail across Queensland, NT and Western Australia.




Working primarily in the building materials industry for the past 35 years, Derek has excelled in senior roles of National Sales & Marketing, General Management and Operations Management.





Larry has founded, operated and sold successful businesses in the fitness, hospitality and business coaching Industry, including the Step into Life personal training franchise brand 

Success Stories

Corie went from doing $1million to $4million whist slashing his hours from 80-100 to 30-40 hours a week.  His company is no longer running him! A feeling most business owners never experience, running a business instead of it running them.

Nathan went from $150k to $240k months which has enabled more family time & less stress.  He recently took a 6 week holiday to the USA and didn't have to take a single phone call during that time.


In the last 18 months, Zac's turnover and profit has tripled (3x).  The best thing is that when he spends time with his family, he is now present with them, not stressing or worrying about business.

Matt and Andrew from Proline have gone from $1.5mill to $4.5mill in 2 years and are on track to hit $7-8 mill this financial year. They now have this amazing team that are committed to the business.  Life is less stressful and they now have an amazing work AND home life. 

Prior to coaching, Luke was doing around $1mill in revenue, after 2 years of coaching, he is on track to hit $3.5mill with a 5x increase in Net Profit.  His team are happy, he is happy, where his boat (business) has a steering wheel and he is in control of it.

Matt has had his biggest year in revenue in 20 years all whilst reducing his hours to 40 hours per week.  Coaching has enabled him to build an operational team around. The best part is that he leaves work at work and spends quality time with his family.


One Simple, Yet Effective Time Management Strategy to Improve Productivity

We know the main reason you created your own business was to generate more money and time… freedom.  We also know that in most cases this is not happening. In fact, the opposite is true.  The answer isn’t to work longer hours. There is one key simple strategy to increase productivity and performance.

How to Break the Working Addiction

Are you working long hours but still not hitting your goals?

Are you doing it at the expense of your family, your health, and ultimately your happiness? Maybe you are addicted to working and not knowing that you’re stuck in this pattern of behaviour – thinking that the more you work, the more you’ll achieve...

Calling all Control Freaks: Stop Strangling Your Business

When you’re trying to control too much of your business, it can stagnate growth in the long term.  People and systems set you free, however for this to occur you MUST empower and trust your team, hold them accountable, stop being a control freak and relinquish control to enable them to do what they were hired to do in the first place.

How to Build a Winning Team

A winning team is key to your success. Without them, you’re going to be stuck in your business forever.

As a business owner, it’s hard to manage different personalities and interests as you have to focus on your business.

There are 3 ways to create a winning team...

How to Retain Great Staff

Are you frustrated by staffing issues? Is ‘team’ taking up your time rather than giving you time?You’re not alone, I assure you.

Retaining great staff members is in the top three challenges so many business owners I speak with.

Money isn’t the only strategy that retains good staff in your business...

Would you Work for You?

Are you struggling to retain good staff?

The question you have to ask yourself is, “Would you want to work for you?”

Sure you want them to leverage your time, freeing you up to work ON your the business and achieve bigger goals.

If your team is under performing, chances are there is lack of leadership.

Escape The 60+ Hour Work Week E-Book Download

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Are You Ready for Freedom?

Are you interested in actually achieving the reason you started your business?

The vast majority of skilled tradesmen start their business to, “Do it for the family” by earning more money, having more free time to be with their families, and doing what they love.

Yet for most business owners this quickly becomes a nightmare of being trapped working long hours and family coexistence. Sound familiar?

Rob Kropp, and his team at Pravar can break this pattern quickly and turn confusion into clarity, being trapped into freedom and coexistence to non-negotiable time with your loved ones.

But of course, you must face the facts, stop settling for what you are currently experiencing and make contact with us … isn’t your freedom, and your family worth it?

Contact Details

Pravar Group
PO Box 2007
Hampton East, 
Victoria 3188

p: 1800 PRAVAR
