What our clients are saying about Pravar ...

At Pravar we work with Trades, Construction and Service Based business owners who have a compelling desire to break out, break through and break free from being trapped in a business where they have been working crazy hours, and been totally disconnected from the reason they started that business in the first place, quality time with their family.

Below are just some of the businesses we have helped transform over the last 12 years. There are many, many more.

Simon Parker

Over a 4 year period with Pravar, Simon has grown his business from a $2mill run rate, working 12-14 hour days, 7 days a week to an $8mill run rate and a team of 50 people, including a full management structure in place.

He now has the structure in place to focus on strategic growth and spend quality time with his family and be present when with them, rather think just thinking about work all the time.

The best part about Simon’s story is how he has gone about overcoming his mental health challenges to become the husband, father, leader and businessman he is today.

Ben Wolff

80-90 down to 40 hours per week.  

Got off the tools, and reclaimed his nights and weekends

It got to the point where Ben felt, "If I can't make this work, I may as well pack it in and go and get a job for someone else".

80-90 hours per week were not uncommon, which was taking a massive toll on his personal life and relationship.

Today he if off the tools, paid off his ATO, Super and supplier debt, put his management team and structure in place to reduce his hours down to 40 hours per week and is well on his way to his target of $5 million per annum.

Robbie Stratti

$638K Net Profit turn around,

paid off $180K of ATO debt, and

stopped working weekends.

During his first 12 months of Coaching, he grew his top line from $3mill, making a loss, to $5mill and achieved a $638K Net Profit turnaround.

By building out his Operational Structure and a really productive ground crew enabled him to stop working weekends, which is 104 days per year he got back with his family.  

He is happier and more present than ever with his family to be the husband and father he was destined to be.

Sam Friend

From $750k to $3.4mill and is on track to hit $5mill, whilst achieving a huge personal transformation and reconnecting his family.

Getting involved with Pravar, didn't just help Sam's business, it gave him the strength to work on himself and that was the real change.

Now at home, he feels like his family is as happy as they could possibly be.

Sam has been able to build out a full operational structure and has started the expansion plan from country NSW, to now servicing ACT region.

Adam Hoggett

From $3mill to $6mill and is on track to hit $8mill this financial year.

Before Adam started coaching, business life was challenging. It was extremely stressful, working 7 days a week and wasn't spending any time with his friends or family.  

His business left him feeling trapped, to the point where he was either going to make changes, or shut the doors.

Today life is different, his stress and anxiety levels have decreased, is spending quality time with friends & family, no more weekend work and the financial returns are also there. 

Sean Hersee

From $150k to $450k months, paying off all bad debts all whilst getting his family reconnected.

Sean had gotten the business into a bit of a bad position. There was a lot of stress and overwhelm that was moving into his family life. There was a couple of times he didn't think his marriage was going to survive.

He has been able to increase his monthly run rate by 300% all whilst spending quality time with his wife and kids and improving his physical health and wellbeing.

Nathan &

Ricci-Marie Wilson

Things got to breaking point in their marriage when Ricci said, "Something's got to give, or we're going to go." It's not like Nathan wasn't trying to be a good husband and father, but like most tradies one person can't quote, invoice, organise jobs, go out on the tools, do all the paperwork, and be a family man. 

Nathan has since had over 30% increase in revenue, a 280% increase in Net Profit, all whilst building out a full operational structure of Admin, Operations Manager, BDM, and most importantly becoming a present husband and father.

Matt Manning & Andrew Gorman  

Gone from $1.5mill to $4.5mill in 2 years and are on track to hit $7-8 mill this financial year. 

Before Coaching, life was extremely stressful.  They were trying to do everything from quoting, running jobs, accounts, admin, still on the tools.  

They have 3x'd their business over the last 2 years, where they now have this amazing team that are committed to the business.

Life is less stressful and they now have an amazing work AND home life.

Corie Morrad 

From $1million to $4million whilst slashing his hours from 80-100 to 30-40 hours a week

Corie's cleaning business was stuck at $1 million a year. 

Coaching helped him structure his business in a way that unlocked growth and profits, and quickly grew to make $4 million whilst reducing his work week from 80-100 hours per week to only 30 hours. 

Most importantly the company is no longer running him! A feeling most business owners never experience, running a business instead of it running them.

Nathan Gill  

From $150k to $240k months with more family time & less stress

Nathan was your typical stressed out trades business owner between $1-$3mill, wearing all the hats, doing more than 60 hours a week.

Over the last 12 months he has increased his monthly revenue by 60% which has enabled him to hire an Admin Assistant, a BDM and a PM.

As a result, Nathan is less stressed, and is spending more time with his wife and children.

Zac Eaton 

3x'd his Turnover and Profits, with more quality time with his family

Zac was wearing all the hats in the business, where his whole life was consumed by work. It made him feel guilty that he couldn’t spend the time that he wanted to with his family. 

In the last 18 months, his turnover and profit has tripled (3x) by getting his operational structure in place to give him the time to focus on actually growing his business.

The best thing is that when he spends time with his family, he is now present with them, not stressing or worrying about business.

Luke Collins

From $1mill to $3.5mill p/a, 5x Net Profit, personally happier than ever

Luke found himself in a situation where he was ‘comfortable’. Working for wages, not having the time freedom he desired from his business.

After 2 years with Pravar he is on track to go from $1mill to $3.5mill in turnover p/a with a 5x increase in Net Profit.

The best part is that his team are happy, he is happy, where his boat (business) has a steering wheel and he is in control of it.

Andy Nutton  

"I'm now turning over $6mil while actually working less!"

Andy Nutton started out turning over $140k to $160k with a modest goal to achieve $200k per year.  But he was working seven days a week and clocking in more than 60 hours.

Fast forward four years and he's turning over an incredible $6million, managing 17 staff, running three companies, living an amazing lifestyle and driving his dream car... all while working LESS hours.

Oliver Ball 

Delegated the busy work for more family time

When Oliver "hit the wall" after six years of operating his carpentry business, he wanted to get out of the stagnancy, but didn't know how.

The Freedom System allowed him to reduce his work hours on the road and delegate operational tasks to the right people, which gave him the time to focus on driving larger profit margins on each job and more time to spend with his young family.

Tony Raneberg 
More Profit with less stress       and work

Tony was in business for 10 years but he was barely making ends meet and was always tired, stressed and angry. 

He found that his business problems consumed him.

The Coaching Program showed him how to optimise the profitability of his business.


Tony is working less hours with less stress and he is generally a lot happier, spending more time with his family.

Matt Ferris 
Biggest year in revenue in 20 years all whilst reducing his hours to 40 hours per week

Matt knew there were opportunities out there but didn’t have the right operational structure and systems in place to seize them.

Coaching has enabled him to build an operational team around him which has freed him up to work ON the business and focus on strategic growth.

The best part is that he leaves work at work and spends quality time with his family.

Khyle Frost
Increased turnover by $500k, whilst reducing his workload by 50-60 hours a week

Before Khyle started Coaching, life was all consumed by the business, working 70-80 hours a week. 

After 12 months of Coaching, he increased his turnover by $500,000, whilst only working 20-30 hours a week, purchased 2 properties, reinvested back into the business and is spending way more time with his family.

He is now a present dad with a profitable business, not a businessman with a family the he never gets to see.

George Mingin
From a $200k LOSS to a $300k PROFIT whilst slashing his hours from 80-100 to 40-50 hours a week

Life for George was stressful, working upto 100 hours a week, loosing $200k a year, placing a massive amount of pressure on his family life.

Over the last 18 months.  He has doubled his turnover, had a $500,000 Profit turnaround, and is experiencing far less stress and far more family time.

Dr Lloyd Saville
Added 20% in 6 Months

After 16 years Lloyd's business had plateaued and he was frustrated that the businesses wasn't moving forward despite everything he was doing. 

After implementing the Freedom System he added 20% to their business within 6 months, and has become a much better leader and mentor to his team.

He could finally enjoy working ON his business on Fridays, instead of work IN his business.

Mark Stokes
50% more profit and 30% more turnover

Mark had accumulated a lot of debt and didn't even want to pick up phone calls, afraid it was the ATO reminding him of long overdue payments. 

With the Freedom System Mark has now achieved 50% more net profit and 30% more turnover.

Greg Greenwood, GRK Plumbing, Drainage & Gas Fitting

"Our major focus in the coaching program has been in increasing the profitability of the Maintenance Department within GRK Plumbing.

We have since seen a 100% increase in turnover, doubled the size of the team and brought on 2 new tradesman. The maintenance department is now a stand-alone profitable arm of the business."

Brad Cooper, EvaporGas

"I originally reached out to Rob because I felt trapped in my business. I didn’t know where I was going and I had lost direction. I felt I had hit a glass ceiling, where I physically could not see how I could do anymore work.

Over the last 6 months, the changes have been fantastic. Coaching has really opened my eyes and changed the way that I think. As we speak, I am looking at closing a deal which will blow my turnover out of the water.

It is hard to believe that in such a short time, that things can change so much. Now I am in a position where a 2 man band will expand rapidly to a business of 6 – 8 employees. This year is looking really exciting."

Robert Smedley, Smedley Engineers

"I had only just started working for myself. I was floundering in my direction and motivation to grow the business.

I was turning over a substantial income, but it wasn’t producing for me a satisfaction in the work I was doing. I didn’t feel like I had the tools or the ability to excel beyond that.

Since starting Rob's coaching just 6 months ago, I have significantly increased the business; roughly quadrupled the amount of revenue each month. So much so now I recently landed a couple of single customers that produce the revenue that I was earning prior to working for myself.

This year’s projection is for me to further quadruple the business and I have plans currently in place for another engineer to join the business and another 2 to join the business before the year is out.”

Belinda Brown, Browns Piling

"And Business owner knows it is challenging to maintain focus and motivation 100% of the time.  This is exactly how I was feeling when I met Rob.

We have been in business for over 23 years. Despite its success I didn’t feel that all our hard work was paying off and certainly not reflected in our profit.

Rob took us through a 12 week course that enabled us to really look deep inside our business. We started working ‘on’ the business instead of ‘in’ the business.

We became clear on how we wanted our business to look and perform.

Financially our profit has grown for the fifth consecutive month, normally it is more cyclic and we attract a dip in profits after 3 months but we continue to go from strength to strength.

Rob has been totally committed and has made us accountable which has been both challenging and rewarding.  Engaging in Rob’s and his team has been one of the best investments we have made.

There is nothing more exciting than investing in your future and dreams.”

Michelle Robinson, Kiwi French Automotive

"Although I had spent 4 years becoming a mechanic, it was Rob who taught us budgets, cashflow forecasts, productivity and the importance of reports.

Our business has improved as a result of his coaching because he has streamlined the administration side of the business so we can focus on our core business, looking after the customers and increasing profits."

Adam & Angela Shelton, Adshel Electrical & Air

"Thank you! Not only through your business mentoring, but also through our personal growth our business has grown dramatically in the 2 ½ years with have been with you.

We have also had the experience of accepting who we are, our strengths, weaknesses and how to communicate more effectively so that we can get more out of life and business.

There are many different ways to get a job done, but you have worked with us to find the best solutions and in particular, 'How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Go To Heaven.'"

Rick Gherardi, Sicuro Finance Group

“Before meeting Rob, I thought I had it all together in my business, but quickly learned I was sitting well inside my comfort zone and doing ok from a business performance perspective.

Your support in opening my eyes and creating a vision with passion is inspirational. You have helped me step outside of my comfort zone and the results have been outstanding.

Referral / Business partners now thrive on delivering new business to us, adding a measured increase in sales of at least 125%.

Administration downtime has been converted to consulting income within our industry. There is a sound business just in that space that I am exploring as well.The absolute game changer has been signing up a national company to provide their support in WA. Game on!

I do not think I could have achieved what I have done in the last 6 months without your support. Thanks mate.”

Are You Ready for Freedom? 

Are you interested in actually achieving the reason you started your business?

The vast majority of skilled tradesmen start their business to, “Do it for the family” by earning more money, having more free time to be with their families, and doing what they love.

Yet for most business owners this quickly becomes a nightmare of being trapped working long hours and family coexistence.

Sound familiar?

Rob Kropp, and his team at Pravar can break this pattern quickly and turn confusion into clarity, being trapped into freedom and coexistence to non-negotiable time with your loved ones.

But of course, you must face the facts, stop settling for what you are currently experiencing and make contact with us … isn’t your freedom, and your family worth it?