Contact Us

Rob Kropp - Founder & Lead Coach

Are you interested in actually achieving the reason you started your business?

The vast majority of skilled tradesmen start their business to, “Do it for the family” by earning more money, having more free time to be with their families, and doing what they love.

Yet for most business owners this quickly becomes a nightmare of being trapped working long hours and family coexistence.


Sound familiar?

Rob Kropp, and his team at Pravar can break this pattern quickly and turn confusion into clarity, being trapped into freedom and coexistence to non-negotiable time with your loved ones.

But of course, you must face the facts, stop settling for what you are currently experiencing and make contact with us … isn’t your freedom, and your family worth it?

Contact Details

Pravar Group
PO Box 235
Victoria 3188

p: 1800 PRAVAR

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