The Journey to a Fulfilling Life, and Freedom!

The Vision

The Pravar team of expert coaches activates Trades, Construction & Service Based business owners to break free from being trapped working crazy hours, and coexisting with their families to getting clarity, freedom and family reconnection.


At Pravar our promise is simple, but powerful: We ‘transform businesses enabling family reconnection.’

We know that the main reason business owners created their own business was to generate more money and time … freedom … so they could spend it with their family, and doing the things they love.

The Challenge

We also know in most cases this is not happening. In fact, the opposite is true.  Most are trapped working 60, 70, 80 hours or more a week, not generating anywhere near enough profit, and are confused about how to break this cycle.

If the pressure of running a business isn’t enough, we know the pressure of coexisting with family is life shattering.

At Pravar we are experts at reversing this situation, and we can make it happen fast - our track record is exceptional.  We specialise in helping Trades, Construction and Service Based business owners to release these constraints.

Our Unique Solution

Pravar have consistently achieved transformational results for their clients regardless of industry, state of the business or economic conditions. We offer a compelling journey to a fulfilling life, and freedom.

Our coaching team, led by founder Rob Kropp, are seasoned experts and will ensure success through the diligent application of a unique and proven 5 Phase Service Offering.

We help them structure their business in a way that quickly unlocks growth and profits enabling time, freedom and most importantly reconnection with their family.

The Launch Coaching Program best assists trade business owners doing $50k - $150k months, who feel trapped working 60-80+ hours a week working IN the business, doing everything from being on the tools to admin, bookkeeping, quoting, scheduling, mostly after hours or on weekends leaving no time to work ON the business to enable growth ... or worse yet, quality time with the people their working so hard for - their family and freedom!

This powerful program is designed to help them 'Brace up' to be ready for effective and sustainable business growth.

And this means the coaching focus is on setting up, in the most effective way, fundamental business acumen and essential systems and processes.  This will include the establishment of Self Organisation and Self Management skills that enables you to transition from thinking and operating like a tradesman (Doer) to a Manager of a successful trades business.  Plus the implementation of fundamental business strategies such as: Know Your Market, Marketing, Sales & Conversion, Effective People Power, Efficient Systems and Processes and Financial Foundations.

Led by Master Coach Rob Kropp this program ideally initiates the development of a strong and stable platform for business growth enabling you also to live a fulfilling family life.

The Leverage Coaching Program is designed to help Trades, Construction and Service Based business owners doing over $150k per month to quickly 'Break out' from being trapped as the ‘Manager’ of the technical team, and transition to being the ‘Leader' of the entire team. 

This empowering journey is only for those willing to step up and take on the responsibility of running an efficient and profitable trades business by driving outcomes through a well equiped operational team.

This means developing the self organisation and self management skills to not only manage your own priorities, but to structure your business in a way that enables you to confidently hand over the core operational responsibilities.

This requires a fundamental shift from thinking that ’no one is as good as me, and it saves me time, energy and money to do it myself’ to being a leader who loves to leverage the resourcefulness of the team.

Our role is to help structure your business in a way that drives performance and overall profitability, enabling the scalability while providing your with the time and financial freedom your are looking for.

The premise of this program is a 2-phased approach. The first focuses on the 3 P’s of foundational growth: Productivity, Performance and Profitability.  The second phase is what we call Visioneering, which helps to create a powerful vision of exactly where the owner wants his business to be in the future – this is all about clarity of direction and purpose.  

Going on this journey will enable you to transform your business, and get your life back so you can spend more time with your family, and doing other things you love.

The Lifestyle Mastermind Program is all about 'Breaking through' and creating sustainable and scalable business growth, which requires the shift into being a true Leader.

This program is about developing powerful strategies inside the Four Primary LegaciesTM of Health, Wealth, Business and Connections utilising our unique The Bevan SystemTM which is designed to bring balance, order and integration across these four areas. 

This is underpinned by our proprietary The Freedom SystemTM, where leaders rapidly learn to Make, Manage, Keep and Grow their profits, business and wealth in a sustainable way.

This program is lead by Master Coach Rob Kropp and his team of highly influential and seasoned expert Coaches.  The real power of this Mastermind is a combination of 1:1 coaching supported by an exclusive group of 7+ Figure trades, construction and services based business leaders who embrace the common Vision of Transforming their Business and Reconnecting their Families. Leaders who come together to challenge each other to step up, evolve and play a bigger game, through Celebration, Collaboration & Community.

The exclusive nature of the Lifestyle Mastermind is built on the fact that every member has graduated from the Leverage Coaching Program and was extended an invitation to join the if they were deemed a suitable fit for the group. 

If you are committed to stepping up, playing a bigger game and have the desire to build a genuine Lifestyle Business, book a call to explore the opportunity.

The Legacy Coaching Program is for business owners that are totally committed to pursuing their vision without anything, or anyone holding them back so they can leave a legacy for generations to come.

This One-on-One Coaching at the highest level, is all about discovering and pursuing opportunities that create huge leaps forward for the business owner, their business and their life.

Members of this program will shift from leading to business mastery, where they are equipped to build a scalable business that makes real profit enabling further business expansion, building genuine wealth outside of the business, and achieving true financial and personal freedom.

This allows members to truly break free from all self-imposed limitations and financial constraints to live the life they desire.

The Private Equity Program is designed for selected Pravar clients who are ‘ready’ to work with a trusted partner in accelerating the future growth and development of their business.

Pravar founder Rob Kropp, and partner Gav Houston are offering the opportunity to provide either a cash injection for equity, to purchase shares or to trade coaching for shares in exchange for a minor shareholding.

In this capacity they will act as strategic advisors and provide additional 1:1 leadership and business coaching over and above the current Pravar program the leader is involved in.

This exclusive opportunity is for entrepreneurial leaders who are hungry to rapidly scale enabling them to truly ‘break free’ and enjoy the benefits of bankable growth without the significant challenges of going it alone.

The Freedom System(TM)

The Freedom System underpins both the Lifestyle and Legacy Programs and has proven time and again to provide a powerful positive effect.

Developed by founder Rob Kropp, this system is designed to build profit-driven wealth and achieve financial and personal freedom, in the safest way possible, regardless of any marketplace or economic conditions.

It’s a simple step-by-step system that is essential for every business, yet most don't have anything like it. It covers everything from making more money, to managing your profits and building passive income, to understanding how much to save when, and from where. Plus, it assists in making the right investment decisions that best help to foster exponential growth.

Follow the Make, Manage, Keep, Grow Freedom System, business owners can actually predict their personal financial freedom.

The Pravar Team

Under the close guidance and support of the Pravar Coaches business owners that fully embrace this proven approach very quickly shift from being Doers, to Leaders, to Mastering their own destiny.

Most of our clients are surprised at how quickly the Pravar team helps them get high multiple returns on their growth and freedom investment.

Something very few Trades, Construction and Service Based business owners know how to do without expert guidance and robust growth programs, and systems and processes.  

Meet the Pravar Team 

Our Clients

At Pravar we work with business Trades, Construction and Service Based business owners who have a compelling desire to break out, break through and break free from being trapped in a business where they have been working crazy hours, and been totally disconnected from the reason they started that business in the first place, quality time with their family.

Below are just some of the businesses we have helped transform over the last 5 years. There are many, many more.

Hear Some of Their Stories

Are You Ready for Freedom? 

Are you interested in actually achieving the reason you started your business?

The vast majority of skilled tradesmen start their business to, “Do it for the family” by earning more money, having more free time to be with their families, and doing what they love.

Yet for most business owners this quickly becomes a nightmare of being trapped working long hours and family coexistence.

Sound familiar?

Rob Kropp, and his team at Pravar can break this pattern quickly and turn confusion into clarity, being trapped into freedom and coexistence to non-negotiable time with your loved ones.

But of course, you must face the facts, stop settling for what you are currently experiencing and make contact with us … isn’t your freedom, and your family worth it?