Over the last few articles I have been taking you through the The Goal Achievement ProcessVision -> Why -> Beliefs -> Habits = Goal Achievement

If you haven't done so already, make sure you go back and complete the activities from the previous steps of Goal Achievement ProcessStep 1 of 4 - Clarity of VisionStep 2 of 4 - Compelling Why, Step 3 of 4 - Empowering Beliefs.


An inspiring Vision, underpinned by a compelling Why, supported with empowering Beliefs and the alignment of consistent Habits = achievement of goals and living life on your terms…!

We’ve taken a good look at the first three, now it’s time to scrutinise our habits, because without good habits, all the rest will fall down and you will stay right where you are, with unachieved goals.

The truth is, most of the choices we make each and every day may feel like they are a result of the decisions we make, but the reality is they are not. They are the result of unconscious habits that we form over time.

It was found in a research paper published by a Duke University Researcher in 2006 that more than 40% of the actions of people performed each and every day weren’t actual decisions, but habits.

A habit can therefore be defined as the choices that all of us deliberately make at some point, and then stop thinking about, but continue doing, often every day, on an unconscious level.

Although habits are insignificant on their own, when combined,

they have a major impact on our health, wealth and overall happiness.

The more a habit becomes automated, the less time the brain spends in the decision making process, and our actions or inactions, decisions or indecisions and behaviours become autopilot.

It is not until you become aware of a habit, that you see what you are giving power to. What is ruling and controlling you at an unconscious level.

By breaking down the habit, you will find it easier to breakthrough and empower yourself with a new habit that is aligned with your targets, strategies, plans and action steps.

Most people do not have money making and money management habits that are in complete alignment with their financial goals and dreams.  They say they want financial freedom, but their behaviours in the form of daily habits tell a different story.

Habit Alignment Exercise: 
  • What are some of the money making / management habits that are in the way of achieving your financial goals?
  • How is this habit holding you back?
  • What new and empowering habits do you need to create that are in alignment with your goals?
  • What are the Action Steps Required?

Devoting some time to this exercise can have big payoffs. Make the time and do the work and you will be amazed on the improvement you see in your business and life.

Rob Kropp

Founder - Pravar Group

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