Being able to excel and be successful in business requires the right priority management and self organisation skills.

You need to be vigilant with your focus, attentive to detail and have incredible drive.

You’ll realise the time that you spend on redundant tasks or those that could be better delegated. In the end, you’ll be able to streamline your work day more efficiently and learn how to leave work at work.

Finally, you will be able to spend quality time with your family. 

If you notice that you are falling into any of the ‘symptoms’ listed below, then it’s probably time to consider structuring your hours and mapping out your goals.

Timekeeping and Flexibility
Are you tardy and always rushing? That’s a sign of poor priority management. If you are regularly late or cutting it fine for deadlines, then there is a great deal you can do to adjust your daily schedule.

Poor punctuality can lead to a host of issues in your business—from affecting relationships with employees, through to completing tasks efficiently.


Impatience and Procrastination – Playing the Blame Game
Where you find procrastination, you are likely to find impatience. If you are trying to complete a task but continually distract yourself and put it off with other work, pressure will build.

As the tasks deadline draws closer, your impatience manifests itself into finger pointing at technology, colleagues or some other target.

Solid priority management would have eliminated these occurrences before they rolled around.


Lethargy, No Direction and Poor Performance
A typical day in the office can be exhausting if you have no defined goals or structure to your workflow.

This causes you to always be three steps behind on your projects, ultimately leading to exhaustion in a lot of cases.

Tie this in with a lack of energy to get back on top of your game, and you immediately find yourself too overwhelmed to try all over again.

Priority management is critical towards ensuring you’re keeping afloat of what’s in the pipeline, readily active and armed to take on whatever comes your way.

Starting your day effectively means knowing how to wake up with productivity in mind. With a streamlined approach to how you’re looking to tackle the day ahead, it become an increasingly simpler task to get more done - without the added stress.


Compare your current lifestyle against the aspects listed above, in order to determine how you have the potential to revamp your mindset moving forward.

Zig Ziglar is famous for saying "Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem.  We all have 24 hours in a day"

Rob Kropp

Founder - Pravar Group

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