Ever heard the saying, “Don’t be upset by the results you didn’t get with the work you didn’t do?”
Can you relate?
I think we’ve all been guilty of this. Me included.
I’ll set the goal and then fail to do the work required to achieve the goal. Then when I didn’t achieve the goal I was annoyed and frustrated.
But the truth was I had no one to blame but myself.
It doesn’t matter if it’s across any of the 4 Primary Legacies: Health, Wealth, Business or Connections, the formula is simple…
Right Mindset x Act on Right Strategies x Follow a Proven System
= Results & Live in the Freedom Zone (Time & Money)

If you do the work you get the results.
Take a moment to reflect on your own business? What is it that you believe is standing in the way of achieving your results?
When I first speak to most of my clients they’ll list things like:
- Tough market conditions
- An underperforming team
- Rising costs
- Increased competition
These are all just excuses. Want to know the real factor standing in the way of you and the results you’re aiming for?
I know it bites, but it’s true. It’s something I had to come to realise in my own business, and also a process of awareness that all my clients must go through in order to achieve their goals.
I recently read a great article by Darren Hardy (a great blog to subscribe to).
In that article he recounts an interview he did with the CEP of a multibillion-dollar homebuilding company in Mexico. His company had been averaging 2000% growth for the last seven years, and this is how he defined his success…
“The only constraint of the company’s growth and potential is the owner’s ambition. I am the constraint. The market opportunity is there. It’s up to me to set the pace, clear obstacles, get resources and create the conversations to grow the company faster.”
You want the results? It’s up to YOU!
So now, what do you do with that? How do you stop blaming external forces such as market conditions, staffing and rising costs and start taking full accountability for your business results?
Here are four powerful exercises that will help you get out of the way of your business and kick more goals…
- Assess: Take some time out to get clear about how you best add value to the business. Most times it is in marketing, sales and innovation. Not in delivery and logistics for example. Get really clear about this.
- Stop: doing all those other things that are taking up your time and not in your key skill set. Delegate or hire new staff. Concentrate all your attention on that one thing that comes from your heart, lights you up, and makes you want to get up in the morning.
- Lead: Create an inspiring vision that drives you and your team.
- Plan & Expand: Once you’ve completed these tasks: Getting clear on your one key skill, delegated the rest, created an inspiring vision, ensure your strategic plan is in line with facilitating this shift and renewed drive… And review for expansion frequently.
One of our clients Sean the Physiotherapist followed these 4 powerful exercises and kicked some big personal and business goals. He has engineered a vision so powerful, that in two short years he went from $50k per month working 95% IN the business to achieving $100k per month in sales, working 95% of the time ON the business, focusing his efforts on leadership and strategic growth. All this whilst being able to take every school holidays off each year, drop off and pick up the kids each day, have surplus funds to be able to grow his investment portfolio and spend more time with family and friends.
Rob Kropp
Founder - Pravar Group
Are you a Trades, Construction or Service Based business owner turning over atleast $1M p/a, and want to release the time and financial constraints in your business & life?
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